The supply chain industry is facing a crisis. Not a crisis of goods but a crisis of people. Skilled supply chain management (SCM) professionals are in high demand, and companies are struggling to hold onto their top talent. A recent study by Deloitte found that over 60% of supply chain leaders are concerned about the increasing difficulty of attracting and retaining qualified employees. This “Great Supply Chain Exodus” is driven by several factors, including a booming e-commerce sector, rapid technological advancements, and a generation of workers prioritizing purpose and work-life balance.

Losing key SCM employees can have devastating consequences, leading to disrupted operations, increased costs, and dissatisfied customers. But there’s good news: by adopting proactive retention strategies and leveraging the power of technology like Oracle Cloud HCM, you can build a workplace that attracts and keeps top SCM talent.

  1. Go Beyond the Paycheck: Competitive Compensation and Benefits

While salary is important, it’s not the only factor driving employee decisions. To attract and retain top SCM professionals, you must offer a comprehensive compensation package reflecting their value.

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Conduct regular salary benchmarking to ensure your pay is competitive with industry standards. Oracle Cloud HCM’s compensation management tools can help you analyze market data and adjust your pay structures accordingly.
  • Benefits That Matter: Offer a robust benefits package that includes healthcare, retirement plans, paid time off, and perks like flexible spending accounts and employee assistance programs.
  • Reward Performance: Implement performance-based incentives, such as bonuses, profit-sharing, and stock options, to recognize and reward top performers. Oracle Cloud HCM allows you to track employee performance and automate incentive payouts.
  1. Fuel Their Future: Invest in Career Development

In today’s rapidly evolving supply chain landscape, standing still is falling behind. A recent survey by APICS found that 74% of supply chain professionals consider professional development opportunities to be “very important” when choosing an employer. To keep your top talent engaged and thriving, invest in their future.

  • Targeted Training: Offer programs that address your team’s specific skills gaps, such as APICS and SCPro certifications, training on emerging technologies like AI and blockchain, or workshops on leadership and communication.
  • Mentorship Matters: Pair experienced professionals with junior staff to foster knowledge transfer and create a supportive learning environment. Oracle Cloud HCM’s talent management module can help you identify potential mentors and track the progress of mentorship programs.
  • Personalized Learning Journeys: Use Oracle Cloud HCM to create individualized development plans for each employee, providing them with access to online courses, industry conferences, and other resources that align with their career goals.

By empowering your employees to grow and develop, you demonstrate your commitment to their success and increase their value to the organization.

  1. Work-Life Harmony: Embrace Flexibility

The traditional 9-to-5 office job is becoming obsolete. Supply chain professionals, especially those in demanding roles, value flexibility and work-life balance.

  • Embrace Remote Work: Offer remote work options where feasible, allowing employees to work from anywhere.
  • Flexible Hours: Allow flexible work schedules, such as compressed workweeks or staggered start and end times.
  • Technology as an Enabler: Use Oracle Cloud HCM to manage flexible work arrangements, track time and attendance, and ensure seamless communication across distributed teams.

By offering flexibility, you show your employees that you trust and value their well-being, increasing job satisfaction and reducing burnout.

  1. Appreciation Amplified: Recognize and Reward Achievements

Everyone wants to feel valued for their contributions. Recognizing and rewarding achievements is a powerful way to boost morale and retain top talent.

  • Celebrate Success: Implement a formal recognition program to acknowledge outstanding performance, such as exceeding targets, completing challenging projects, or going above and beyond to help colleagues.
  • Make it Personal: Recognize achievements in a way that is meaningful to the individual, such as public praise, handwritten notes, gift cards, or extra time off.
  • Oracle HCM for Streamlined Recognition: Use Oracle Cloud HCM to track employee achievements, automate recognition programs, and provide managers with tools to recognize and reward their team members easily.

A culture of appreciation creates a positive work environment where employees feel motivated and engaged.

  1. Culture of Collaboration: Foster a Positive and Supportive Workplace

Company culture plays a crucial role in employee retention. Supply chain professionals want to work in an environment where they feel respected, supported, and valued.

  • Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication, allowing employees to share ideas, feedback, and concerns.
  • Teamwork: Foster a collaborative work environment where employees feel comfortable working together and supporting each other.
  • Employee Engagement Tools: Leverage Oracle Cloud HCM’s communication and collaboration tools to facilitate team interactions, knowledge sharing, and employee feedback.

A positive and supportive culture creates a sense of belonging and makes employees feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

  1. Chart Their Course: Provide Clear Career Paths and Growth Opportunities

Ambitious employees want to know where their career is headed. Providing clear career paths and opportunities for advancement is essential for retaining top SCM talent.

  • Define Career Ladders: Develop clear career paths within your supply chain organization, outlining the skills, experience, and qualifications required for each level.
  • Promote from Within: Prioritize internal promotions whenever possible, allowing your existing employees to grow and advance within the company.
  • Oracle HCM for Talent Management: Use Oracle Cloud HCM to map out career paths, identify high-potential employees, and track their progress toward their career goals.

By providing opportunities for growth and development, you show your employees that you are invested in their future and that they have a long-term career path within your organization.


The competition for supply chain talent is fierce. Still, by implementing these six retention strategies and leveraging the power of Oracle Cloud HCM, you can create a workplace that attracts and keeps the best and brightest.

Ready to transform your HR processes and build a winning supply chain team? Connect with the Oracle experts at Tangenz, an Oracle Preferred Partner. We can guide you through the implementation of Oracle Cloud HCM and help you develop a comprehensive talent management strategy that drives employee engagement and retention.

Contact us at Tangenz for more information.

Let us help you navigate the Great Supply Chain Exodus and build a thriving future for your organization.